Story 14: God Tests Abraham's Faith

CAN you see what Abraham is doing here? He has a knife, it's like he wants to kill his son. Why does it? First, let us see how Abraham and Sarah had a son to them.

Remember, God promised them that they would bear a son. But it was the hardest thing because Abraham and Sarah were very old. But Abraham believed that God could do anything tricky. So what happened?

God had to give his promise, a whole year passed. And Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah 90, they had a son named Isaac. God had kept his promise!

But Isaac was fully grown, Jehovah tried the faith of Abraham. He said: 'Take your son Isaac and go to a mountain that I will show you "But remember, God had promised that Abraham's children would sit Canaan. It would be what if Isaac were to die? Abraham did not know it, but he obeyed God.

When he got to the mountain, Abraham bound Isaac and put him on the altar he built. But he wanted to kill Isaac, God's angel shouted: "Abraham, do not hurt the baby will not make him any. Now I know that you believe in me because you did not deprive your son one! '

Lo! Abraham trusted God so much! He believed that there is no difficult matter to Jehovah, even the dead would resurrect Isaac. But God did not want Abraham to kill Isaac. So God led the sheep to be arrested and small trees nearby. Then he told Abraham to offer up the ram as a sacrifice place of his son.

Genesis 21: 1-7; 22: 1-18.

 Story 15: Lot's Wife Watched Back

LOT and his family lived together with Abraham to Canaan. One day Abraham said to Lot said: "Here there is no suitable land for all our animals. Please, we need to separate. If you go here, and I will go there. '

A lot he watched the country. He saw part of a very beautiful country with beautiful leaves water and a lot of animals. That was the District of the Jordan. So Lot had sent his family and animals there. Finally, they stayed in the city of Sodom.

The people of Sodom were very wicked. Lot was troubled, for he was a good man. Even God was troubled. Finally, God sent two angels to warn Lot that God would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, the nearest town because it is the wrong cities.

The angel said unto Lot said: "Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters get up here! 'Angel said:' Run heal your life! Ye shall not respect back. Flee to the mountains not be killed. '

Lot and his daughters obeyed, went out of Sodom. But Lot's wife disobeyed. When they had to walk a certain course of Sodom, wife stood up and looked back and became a pillar of salt.

We can learn a good lesson for them. Shows us that God saves those who obey him, but those who do not obey him will lose their lives.

Genesis 13: 5-13; 18: 20-33; 19: 1-29; Luke 17: 28-32; 2 Peter 2: 6-8.

Story 16: Isaac Gets a Good Wife

It was right, Isaac, Abraham's father wanted his son to find him a suitable wife. He did not want Isaac to marry a woman of Canaan because these people worshiped false gods. Abraham said to his servant: Go Haran, to my family and find Isaac, son, wife. '

Once that Abraham's servant took ten camels and began the long trip. When he got near the line of Abraham, he stood in the well. It was evening when the women of the city are coming to draw water from the well. So Abraham's servant asked Jehovah: "A woman who drew water and giving it to me and the camels and have been chosen to be the wife of Isaac. '
Meets Rebekah and Isaac

Rebeca quickly came to draw water. The attendant asked him to drink and gave it. Then he went to fetch enough thirsty camel. It was hard work because camels drink plenty of water.

Rebekah had finished, Abraham's servant asked her father's name. And he said even if he could not sleep for them that night. He replied: 'My father is Be · Thule, there is a chance your stay with us. "Abraham's servant knew Be · Thule is the son of Abraham's brother Nahor. Then he knelt down and thanked Jehovah for turning on the stock of Abraham.

That night Abraham's servant told Be ·  Both of them agreed on Rebekah him and marry Isaac. Rebekah responded to what was asked? Agreed. Then the next day they rode camels traveling to return to Canaan.

When they reached the evening, Rebekah saw a man walking in the field. It was Isaac. She was happy to see Rebeca. Sara his mother had died three years ago, he was still deeply troubled. Now he loved Isaac, Rebekah, became happy again.

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