Part 2: The Flood To Redemption In Egypt..

Part 2: The Flood To Redemption In Egypt

Only the eight people who survived the Flood, but then increased to many thousands. Then, at the end of 352 years after the Flood, Abraham was born. We are learning how God has fulfilled his promise by giving Abraham a son named Isaac. Then, of Isaac's two sons, Jacob was chosen by God.

Jacob had a big family of 12 sons and a daughter. Jacob's 10 sons hated their younger brother Joseph and sold him into slavery in Egypt. Later, Joseph became the supreme ruler of Egypt. Famine came, Joseph tested his brothers to see if they have changed heart. Then, the whole family of Jacob, the Israelite, moved to Egypt. That happened 290 years after the birth of Abraham.

For the next 215 years the Israelite lived in Egypt. Joseph died, they became slaves there. Finally, Moses was born, and God used him to deliver the Israelite from Egypt. In total, 857 years of history is talked about in Part 2.

 Story 11: The First Rainbow

YOU know the first thing Noah did when he and his family came out of the ark? He gave God's gift.. Noah offered this gift of animals to praise God for saving his family in a flood. 
 Do you think Jehovah was pleased with the gift? Yes. He promised Noah that he would not destroy world again by a flood.

Soon all the land dried up, Noah and his family began to live again out of the ark. God blessed them and said to them: 'Be fruitful children. Multiply until people live all over the world. '

But then, maybe people would fear that such a flood could happen again. So God gave something to remind people of his promise that he will no longer covered the whole earth with water. You know what? Rainbow.

God promised: "All people and animals will not be destroyed again by flood. I put my bow in the clouds to rain. Rainbow appears, I will see it remember my promise. '

So when you see a rainbow, you remind what? God's promise that he would not destroy the world again by a great flood
Genesis 8: 18-22; 9: 9-17.

Story 12: Men Build a Big Tower
 Many years passed. The sons of Noah and many children. Their children grew up and bear more children. Soon there was so many people around.

One of those people was the grandson of Noah named Nimrod. He was a bad man who hunted and killed animals and even humans. Nimrod also made himself a king to rule over others. God did not love Nimrod.

At that time all people spoke the same language. Nimrod wanted to gather all to rule over them. You know he did? He told the people to build a city and a great tower in it.

Jehovah God was not pleased with the building. God wanted the people to disperse and settle throughout the world. But they said: 'Come! together a town and very tall tower reach heaven. Then we praised! "Those people wanted self-respect than God.

So God let the tower building. You know how you did? He made them to start speaking different languages ​​at once. Builders did they know each other again. That is why their city was called Babel, or Babylon, meaning "confusion."

So they began to leave Babylon. Groups of people who spoke the same language were always sit with other parts of the world.

Genesis 10: 1, 8-10; 11: 1-


  1. Who was Nimrod,?

  2. Why were people making bricks, ?   
  3. Why did Jehovah not pleased with the building?
 4 The city has a name, and that name mean?
  5.  What did people do after Jehovah disrupt their language?

Story 13: Abraham-A Friend of God

In one place there where people stayed after the Flood is Uru. There was significant city with beautiful homes. But the people there worshiped false gods. So they did even in Babylon. The people of Ur and Babylon were not like Noah and his son Shem, who kept on serving Jehovah.

Finally, 350 years after the flood, faithful Noah died. At the end of two years the man you see in this picture was born. He was a very special person to God. His name is Abraham. He lived with his family in the city of Uru.

One day Jehovah told Abraham (Abraham): 'Leave Ur and your relatives, and go to a land that I will show you.' Do Abraham obey God and leave all the comforts of Ur? Yes. Abraham was known to be a friend of God because he always obeyed God.

Some of Abraham's family followed him when he left Ur. Tera his father followed. Even his nephew Lot. And also Sarah Abraham's wife. They all arrived at Haran, Terah died there. They were far away from Uru.

After a while Abraham and his household left Haran come Canaan. Jehovah said: "This is the land that I will give to your children. 'Abraham stayed in Canaan tent.

God began to help Abraham that he and sheep and other animals and hundreds of servants. But he and Sarah did not have any children.

Abraham was 99 years old, Jehovah had promised: "You will be the father of many nations. 'But what about the children would be born, because Abraham and Sarah are too old?

Genesis 11: 27-32; 12: 1-7; 17: 1-8, 15-17; 18: 9-19.


   1. Residents of the city of Uru were of the kind?
  2.  Jehovah told Abraham to do?
   3. Why Abraham was called the friend of God?
   4. Who went with Abraham when he left Uru?
    5. What Jehovah promised Abraham when he was 99 years old?

It will continue....thank you all for reading....

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